Dr. Sand at Sand Cosmetic Institute was among the first in the Los Angeles area to offer Mesotherapy to her patients.

Areas Mesotherapy Treats
- Face, neck hand rejuvenation and tightness
- Localized fat deposit reduction
- Double chin
- Saddle bag
- Cellulite reduction
- Hair loss reduction
Mesotherapy, a safe innovative technique that originated in France, treats many conditions. It has been practiced in Europe for over half a century and it is used by thousands of practitioners around the world. It is the practice of injecting a small amount of specific vitamins, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, minerals or medication in to the middle layer of the skin called the “mesoderm” and directly to the area of the body that requires treatment.
The injections and delivery of these highly effective antioxidants to the skin increases the blood flow, oxygen and metabolism of the area and promotes collagen and elastin synthesis of the skin. The result would be a beautiful, radiant and glowing skin.
Mesotherapy can also be used for localized fat deposit reduction (love handles and saddle bags), cellulite reduction, face, neck and hand rejuvenation, and hair loss reduction.
Dr. Sand was among the first in the Los Angeles area to offer Mesotherapy to her patients. She has completed an extensive training in Paris studying this specialty with leaders in the field of Mesotherapy. She also attends the seminars of the international society of Mesotherapy regularly to keep pace with the latest advancements in the field.
Mesolift or Mesoglow
Aging of the skin primarily occurs due to a loss of volume and atrophy of the soft tissue. This results in sagging skin, with its excess creating folds, grooves, and wrinkles. Using Mesolift or Mesoglow an anti-aging procedure vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid are delivered to the face, neck, hands and décolletage area with a tiny needle and rejuvenating the area.
Delivery of these highly effective antioxidant and products promotes collagen and elastin regeneration and eliminate the formation of free radicals that causes premature aging. This results in a beautiful and radiant glow and tightness of the skin tone and texture. The procedure usually involves one treatment weekly for one month, and as needed thereafter.
Mesolift or mesoglow can be used alone or in combination with other anti-aging procedures. Each session takes about 15 minutes. Follow-up sessions for every three months are recommended to maintain the best results. With Mesolift, there is no downtime or recovery time. Mild bruising at the treatment site is normal and will last for a few days.
Hair Loss Reduction
Mesotherapy can also be helpful for nutritional, female hair loss and thinning. With the advent of newer medication, the results have also been promising in male pattern baldness and hair thinning. Mesotherapy for hair loss includes weekly delivery of specific compounds, such as vitamins, antioxidant, vasodilator, and 5-alpha-reductase enzymes blockers (i.e., Finasteride, Dutasteride) at the beginning of the treatment and once a month there after.

Body Sculpting
Mesotherapy is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. Saddlebags, love handles, hips, waistline, arms, double chins, and bags under the eyes can be treated with Mesotherapy. The Mesotherapy procedure for local fat reduction depends to patient desire and satisfaction. Products involved in local fat reduction are multiple; such as dexycholic acid a naturally occurring compound in the body that presently is under last phase of clearance by FDA. The product destroys the targeted fat cells and the released fat will be flushed out of treatment area into blood circulation and subsequently out of the body. When combined with the right diet these compounds can assist in the loss of layers of fat. The treatment can also be used for post-liposuction irregularities. Each treatment session takes about 15 minutes. The treatment can be continued until the desired effect is achieved. Mild bruising of the skin may take place due to skin pricking, but is resolved in a few days and there is no downtime or recovery time.
Cellulite Reduction
Cellulite is a condition that predominantly affects women. It is frequently found in certain areas of the body, such as the hips, thighs, abdomen, and buttocks. The condition is caused by poor venous and lymphatic flow, as well as fluid retention in the mesoderm. The fluid retention in this layer, which is rich in fat cells and fibrous tissue, gives the skin a “dimpling” or “peau d’orange” appearance. Frequently, a combination of cellulite and fat deposit coexists in individuals. Mesotherapy of the affected area will improve local circulation, dissolving excessive bulging fat that causes the skin unevenness. It will also help to eliminate excess retained water. The dissolved fat gets flushed out of the body through the kidneys. With Mesotherapy, “dimples” are resolved and the skin once again gains it smooth appearance. The treatment usually involves weekly sessions until the desired effect is achieved, and maintenance treatment every three months then after. Each treatment lasts 15 minutes. Mild bruising of the skin may take place due to skin pricking, but this will be resolved in a few days. There is no downtime.

What is Mesotherapy?
It is the practice of microinjecting a small amount of specific vitamins, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, minerals, or medication directly an area of the body requiring treatment. Application of the solution is done by a very short Mesotherapy needle, and is essentially painless. Mesotherapy has many application among which are rejuvenation of the face, neck and hands, localized body fat deposit, reduction of cellulite, reduction of hair loss.
How Does Mesotherapy Control Cellulite?
Cellulite is caused by poor venous and lymphatic flow, and fluid retention in the middle layer, the mesoderm. The fluid retention in this layer, which is rich in fat cells and fibrous tissue, gives the skin a “dimpling” or “peau d’orange” appearance. Mesotherapy improves the circulation, softens the fibrous tissue, and dissolves the excessive bulging fat that causes the skin unevenness.
What is Mesolift or Mesoglow?
It is the administration of a mixture of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, coenzymes, and hyaluronic acid to the face, neck, décolleté lines, and hands. This anti-aging treatment results in a natural lift and a beautiful glow to the face and a radiant look.
How many treatments are required and how long do results last?
Usually about 10 Mesotherapy sessions and five sessions for Mesolift one week or two apart. The results are long lasting with one or two follow-up, yearly treatments to maintain the rejuvenated and beautiful results.
With the procedure are there any side effects or down time?
With Mesotherapy, there is no downtime. Treatment can begin the same day as the initial consultation, and the patient can return to work after the procedure. The only side effect may be some temporary, mild bruising.
Get In Touch
Sand Institute is here to help your Cosmetic, Antiaging and Health goals.Westwood Office
1964 Westwood Blvd., Suite 125
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: 310-441-2263
Paramount Office
16415 Colorado Ave., Suite 212
Paramount, CA 90723
Tel: 562-272-4277